Race is not real, but has a real force
This link will lead you to a WUNC radio broadcast of John Jackson, the author of "Real Black: Adventures in Racial Sincerity".
It makes me think that race is like Santa Clause. Completely made up and imaginary yet everywhere you look. It makes my head hurt but also frees my heart. No matter how horribly race has been used in the past, it is still fake and does not have to have power over me or my mothering of Jonathan. It can effect it but has no right to control it.
My son has brown skin but his favorite color is green. My son's hair is brown but we both have curly, dry hair. My son dances but loves John Cash as much as Ray Charles. I can't imagine having different dreams for my son if he looked any different. I would still want him to have a heart after God and a joy for life.