Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Friday, July 31, 2009

Hopeful given the players: Crowley and Gates

I was left hopeful after listening to Stg James Crowley assessment after meeting Gates at the White House. I hope that it stays as thoughtful as it seems to be now. I am hopeful that Stg Crowley can be a good role model for the police force. It was also encouraging to hear the 911 tape to see that it was not about race, but instead a concerned neighbor possibly helping an elderly neighbor who saw a potential break-in.

Is it a teachable moment if we can't hear the conversation? Yes. Seeing four reasonable people get together and talk about a tough tough topic should be an inspiration to our children. Actually, children often do this much better then adults.

I know I've had good conversations with my husband about how we are training our children to treat the police. There have also been very interesting NPRs editorials on the topic.
Thank you Crowley and Gates for investing your own time into helping us all think through this and not just deal with it in sound bites.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First day of school

Today is Jonathan's first day at Central Park School for children. His teacher, Aileen, showed him around, told him the morning routine and then let him play. We were also able to meet 4 of the other kids in his class.
It looks to be a wonderful year!