Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Are my political roots showing?

SCOTUS has made this an especially'fun' week .  Throw in Moral Mondays in North Carolina and a Texas legislation voting on abortion restrictions, and we it might as well as be a party!

Voting Rights Act :   Who has not changed since 1965?   Come on Congress, put in some metrics so you know the potential hot spots. 

Texas Abortion Bill : Seems like Texas bill reaches Bill Clinton's goal of "Abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare".   I believe killing is wrong, full clothe, if it is a prisoner or a baby or people in war torn countries.   I am not naive enough to believe it is always wrong, I am just naive enough to believe we need a lot less of them (prisoners, abortions, wars).

Proposition 8 and DOMA :I did not expect this and once again remember why I am smitten by Chief Justice Roberts.   I can certainly think of better ways we can invest in and defend marriages then telling others they can't.   

Now for a little Tom Waits (note: this song is not kid or politically safe.)  

(Update: I added the video above because the Muppet link below is not showing.)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

"It's the Collaboration, Stupid"

I work in the IT field and "Best of Breed" is a common aspiration and a very noble one at that.   However, it always rings hollow for me.   When I hear it, I think of some utopian society from Logan's Run .

I was reading through a friends presentation from IBM Innovate 2013 and this line caught my attention:
'For [us], "best of breed" doesn't matter - elimination of barriers to collaboration does.'
There is a big advantage to finding whatever tools or process allow the better part of human nature to come through.  As social creatures we have an innate need to belong and to work on something that matter.  Good collaborative tools and good agile processes make that natural and at times fun.

Note: These opinions are mine and not those of my employer.  
