Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Monday, August 13, 2007

This I believe ....

I love the radio program "This I believe... " on NPR. Even when I don't agree, I still adore every person who submits an essay and respect the thought that went into it. I always ponder what mine would be. I think it would be on adoption but I have not settled on the true message of why I believe in it. It is also hard to reconcile all the sadness that is naturally part of adoption.

But I know I would like to get across the radical change adoption causes in people. We often have people tell us how much they respect us for adopting and adopting transracially. I always appreciate the sentiment and the well wishes that conveys. (ie you don't have to stop even thought I'm about to say how 100% backwards it is). We naturally reply that Jonathan has been more of a blessing to us then we are to him or some other statement of how lucky we are.

But think about how much someone could pay to take your kids? I expect there is no amount of money, no threat that could be made, no negotiations that could make you seperate from them. So now reverse that. How much would you pay to get your kids? I expect you would sell your house and every possession if that is what it took.

In that light you can see what an amazing deal we received. For a lot of paperwork and thousands of dollars, we received our child. Our son. It is impossible for me to see myself as anything but the winner in this deal and thank everyone who made it possible for me to become Jonathan's mother.
