Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blair Underwood and African American Actors

I have a new love for Mr Blair Underwood. Ok, yes, I had crush on him back in the "LA Law" days. But now I thank him for paving the way for my son, no matter his career with quotes like this:

'If it's going to be about race, thank you, but no thanks,'" Underwood said
during a chat at a New York City coffeehouse. "Because then you're limited to a
producer's or studio's or network's perception of what my black experience is.
Unless you can, in a two-hour film, delve into the real aspects of what it means
to be an African-American man in America, I'd rather take it off the table. It
forces the audience to deal with you as a man."