Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Friday, February 27, 2009

Eric Holder again: Reinstitue Ban on Assault Weapons

I was never against guns until recently. Most of my life they were safe items that were repected by hunters and law inforcement. My contact with them was very rare and always with people I respected and who obviously respected the power of a gun.
However, the more I hear from the NRA, the more frightened and extreme I get against guns. It blows my mind whey anyone needs an assault weapon. I could never support that being part of our laws. So I again thank Eric Holder for his announcement that they are putting back in the ban on assult weapons.

BTW: We have started introducing Jonathan to the various white house cabinet positions. So far he can tell you who the VP, the Secretary of State, Sec of Defense, and the Attorney General is. To which Alan said "That is better then most Americans"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hallmark Moment: This is sportsmanship!!!

This story turned the waterworks on for me! http://highschool.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=914609

What happened: At a regular season basketball game, DeKalb Illinois High School missed a free throw ON PURPOSE. Why? To let a player from Milwaukee Madison come into the game late, without the 2 point technical pentalty in the rules. Why so kind? The captain was late for the game because he was with his mother as she passed away from Cancer. (I'm tearing up already!)

What's Next: These will be great men! All dozen or so, on both teams. It is not often you get to see life in clear contrast: winning a game versus loving a person. These men will forever be touched by giving and receiving kindness.

Read the article from Associated Press but be sure to bring your tissues!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Eric Holder calls us out as Cowards

I was stopped in my tracks on how accurate a description of race conversation Eric Holder hit upon at his February 18, 2009 speech. (The link above only covers a 4 minute piece of it. )
I am fortunate that my family does not allow me to be a coward, but I also know the timidness that floods me when I expect a conversation or connection is coming. It is not fear as in "oh no they will think I'm a racist" or "oh no someone will hurt my family". It is closer to a reluctant dread. It is knowing I don't have the language or the time to get to a real conversation.
During our adoption, we were asked "How can you find opportunities to be a minority?". This vague advice, much like the WWJD pins, rings in my head when I want to be a coward.
And for full disclosure, my opportunities to be "brave" have all been pretty amazing. Hanging out at the Cheesecake Factory with very cool, smart women (Mocha Moms) or recently attending a friendly, supportive African American church (St John's Missionary Baptist).
So thank you Eric Holder for your reminder and thank you Jonathan for the motivation and thank you who have or will help us on our way!