The story of my life : Creating Margins
Early in my marriage my husband confronted* me about the lack of margins I allow in my life. It was profound, difficult and a lesson I return to often. Lately I have been considering if margins can be made for others. In particular, I am seeing a reemergence of management carving out specific time to 'think' or 'innovate' or 'be a rock star'.
I do not believe margins work that way and I know that innovation does not happen that way for professionals. I would rather see this:
- Be clear on what is a priority. If it changes too often or if it is not relevant don't bother.
- Be clear that things will not get done. Recognize the trade-off you are making to give them space to innovate.
- Recognize people innovate differently then you. When I run, I am smarter and more creative. My husband needs time alone to be inspired. My son thrives with energy from close friends.
PS> The Shannon–Hartley theorem has blown my mind
* for those who have met my husband, you know that 'confront' is always done gently.