I work in a sparse cube: 2013 Calendar, some Guggenheim photos, two hilarious pictures drawn by a customer during a meeting and a print out of the following:
"Someone who is authentic has a good understanding of her priorities and emotions. She can
distinguish between what is important to her versus what is important to others, and she can
maintain a healthy alignment between inner values and beliefs and outer behaviors." (Center for Creative Leadership - http://www.ccl.org/leadership/pdf/landing/WOMENwhitepaper.pdf )
The article goes on to outline three ways to develop authenticity : Know Yourself; Assess your Behaviors and Values, Believe in yourself. I struggle with who I am versus who others think I should be but it is easy to get grounded again when I focus on the gaps between what I value and where my energy goes.
This is a little too "
Stuart Smalley" for me. When I need a readjustment in my authenticity I prefer to do it to the sound track of
Amanda Palmer and the The Grand Theft Orchestra (Note this video has a warning. Hide the kids and skirmish)
<< I have redacted the video as it does get pretty bloody. The song is good though and worth a listen to. Here is a non-scary version:
I should note: "The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent my company's positions, strategies or opinions." And would further note that I am fortunate to work for a company that does strive to act authentically.