Cat TV and Sweeps Week
I'm often asked how my new job is going and what I am doing with my extra time. I stumble around a non-answer that tries to hide my shame at how little I've accomplished. No more. Today, I decided to answer that I am following in the footsteps of Henry Thoreau*: "This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

Everyday a squirrel sits outside my window. The squirrel and my cat stare into each other's eyes ... for hours. For my cat, the predator, this is natural and we call it "Cat TV" around our homes: Bunnies in the front, Birds on the second floor, Squirrels on every station.
But what is the squirrel thinking? Has she fallen in love with the unattainable? Is the reward of the view worth the risk of the cat? I she under contract for the next big reality, squirrel show.
I like to think she is also a fan of Thoreau "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
But I know she is a fan of Hendrix** "Alright, 'cos I got my own world to look through, And I ain't gonna copy you."
(*Note: These words will never cross my lips, just my imagination)
(**Note: I was looking for "Castles Made of Sand" for the melancholy touch, however I was gifted with the rebellion of "If 6 was 9")