Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Let them Eat Cake

Note: If you don't read anything here, just listen to the song. 

I am grateful for my circle of friends and co-workers. I am blessed with compassionate and smart conversations. The day after the horrible shooting in San Bernardino, a friend sent me an article about a police office that bought a cake for a thief. The thief was a mom making a cake for her child. When faced with his choices, Officer Michael Kotsonis choose the pro-life path: pay for the ingredients and let the child have his cake. 


To honor Officer Michael Kotsonis, I thought I should donate some cake ingredients to our local food pantries. Luckily I read up a bit and found that cake mix is fairly useless to families without eggs and oil around the house. Instead the recommendation was to buy fun kid lunch items. I also believe socks and female hygiene items are the secret to happiness and a start to world peace.  I will start there. 

Peace and Joy, 

As Joshua Radin said so beautifully "Let's not forget we're alive"