Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Open Data Policing - Understanding Bias

Tonight my family went to Code for Durham to hear about the Open Data Policing project. Colin Copeland of the Caktus Group gave an overview of the technology. Ian Mance of the Southern Coalition talked about the origin of the project and how the data is being used to reform policy, assist legal defense, assist in civil rights suits and help the police force do better policing.

A few resources:
The project is amazing and the potential is even greater. I especially appreciated the recognition that data is only one piece in any discussion. I also appreciate that having data does little. It is in making the data accessible to decision makers and correlating data that insights can be found. We are fortunate that NC has had the Data Collectino Laws since 1999. We are also fortunate to have groups like Southern Coalition and Code for America to bring the data into the light
NC Data Collection Law - 1st state and 1 of only 6 to mandate collection of traffic stops. Collection since 1999. The motivation was based on a belief that a drug enforcement task-force stopped blacks 50% more (or twice) then whites.

Lastly, cheers to cities like Fayetteville and Greensboro that are making strides to be equitable.


It is tough to add a video to this blog as my selections are whimsical, not profound. I don't want anyone to read into them. So in the spirit of "Big Data" .... The Police

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Iron Yard Durham Cohort #5

Oh Durham Iron Yard! How did you grow up so fast?!? I remember the day when you were so small, so self conscious and oh so cute. In 5 short years, you have grown up and kept your spirit of curiosity and love of technology.

The eleven presentations were well done. Nicely polished and great ideas. I do miss the days when they had time to talk about the technologies they used, the challenges they faced and other approaches.

Here is my summary:

ZipTrip: Andrew Pierce, Jonathan Frederick
Finally! I have always thought google did this until I tried. Not only gives me directions from point A to point B, but also lets me know what I can do along the way. From years of dropping kids off half way between Atlanta and Durham, we always had to hack our meetup. I love road trips. I predict ziptrip will make me love it even more! Nice job.

Communicant: Jasmine Baik, Anthony Ellis, Renee Quijano, Rosa Lopez Sanchez
How to communicate with those you don't want to talk to? For years it was uncomfortable phone calls. Communicant lets you deal with the critical items: events, bills, etc . I have a few friends who would love this not only to take the emotion out of life after divorce but keep a record of how it is going.

versus.live: Glenn Hurley, Karthik Kasala, Jermaine Kee, Tyler Kotkin
Quick brackets anywhere. The ability to tie into current social media account (twitter) makes this so much smarter and easier. And honestly don't we all need a little more smack talk.

ArtTrack: Julie David, Tyler Rockwell, Blake Strickland
Good idea, especially for a learning project. Looks nice and complete

CareDay: Bob Amand, Ryan Burton, Terry Calhoun
This is a good idea but this one I know has been done already. I think a better leap will be gestures. Again, nice project but I can't see a day care provider on a computer\phone to do it. Maybe IoT could fix the interface.

Brew Keeper: Shay Hall, Adam Hartz, Kathleen Rauh, David White
Kathleen has a great presentation style: easy, confident, pleasant.
The science of coffee. Crowd Sourcing the perfect coffee. I am glad I like bad coffee.

Wishcastr: David Bernheisel, Da-Me Kim, Lacey Rice
Create a wish, set an acceptable price and then get an email. I have to wonder why Amazon does not have this. Doesn't it? When the architecture and abstraction layer is the coolest part of the demo and not included.

BlankStares: Doug Bryant, Ryan Graham,
This would be great at keynotes. Most could use a lot more feedback.

CropSwap Ruti Wajnberg
Lovely presentation and lovely idea. I hope Durham has a crop swap. The presentation reminded me to visit the local farmer markets more often. This cohort obviously adores Ruti.

Tanks for Waiting : William Butts, Jonathan Creasman
I need an HTML game. Not sure if I need it for my support page, but I need it! All Javascript. Angular and Django backends. Lovely, polished but humble presentations.

Beehive: Kristine Erickson, Ashley Mason, Josh McKelvey, Josh Neipp
Online marketplace.Is this Etsy with Spoonflower?!?

Fun demo day! Keep up the great job Iron Yard Durham!

I am definitely in the mood for some coffee (Thanks Sinatra)