Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Friday, August 01, 2014

At least go under with a Smile

I have been wallowing in another amazing peer moving on to another new exciting opportunity.   I am trying to change the story from "poor-me-I-miss-them-already" to "It-is-awesome-how-many-connections-I-now-have-outside-my-current-job".

However, even more fun is making up exciting alternate endings.   Here is what I imagine they are doing now\next (complete fabrication):
  • KM - Definitely the next James Bond.  And not the cinema type.  The fast skiing, tuxedo wearing, women swooning real spy.   While reportedly on the west coast, I am wondering how accurate that is. 
  • JC - Have you seen Meet the Robinsons? It is a bio pic of JC: drones, time machines and all.   I am still waiting for my invitation to upstate New York in 1969.  
  • DK - I heard he was cast in a Johnny Bravo live action movie with Scarlett Johansson.  
  • MT - I am confident I saw him playing on the ill fated team from Spain or coaching next to Jurgen in Brazil.   
  • KB-  She has the best cover of them all: mom of three.   However, I hear she is about to release the next big thing in 3D Printing : Auto Generated Halloween Costumes.  (Scans your social media, recommends a theme and prints them out just in time for the festivities!)
  • MO - He probably is really playing with his new cat, settling into his new place and preparing for marriage.  When life is that sweet, why make up stories.
  • VS (or S as he prefers) - Remember The Factory of the '60s?   It has nothing on the hot space S has where philosophers, artists, cooks and other brilliant minds hang out to solve the worlds problems.  
  • TJ - It has been 7 months, haven't you cured cancer yet?!?   I am waiting for you to be my biggest "I knew him when"
To protect the innocent, and potential references, I am used their initials.    Hope you each enjoyed seeing your lives through my eyes.  


And now for some cool music ...
Jamie Lidell - Multiply