Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wanna Be ...

I am a "wanna be" in many aspects of life, especially coding.   So here are some projects I want to get done ... sooner then later

1. "Your City Here" Top 5 Website : Create a website that looks at an IP address and adds that city to the list.   Pulls a picture from that city.
2. "What to wear" - Mobile app that looks at the weather and tells me what to wear on my run.   (Advanced: Input time of day)
3. "Junk Computer Server Farm"
4. "Something useful with Python" 

Best Crossword Puzzle and Clues to Humanity

XKCD and the best crossword ever

I love to see the little things in life that clue you into who a person really is, especially when you see someone full of love, joy and humor.