Who is Fixing the World through IT?
I would like to be a programmer again but this time for love instead of money. The desire to use technology to change our politics, our culture, our world, has me thinking about who is doing that already:
- Code for America : http://www.codeforamerica.org
Founded by Jennifer Pahlka to create low-risk settings for innovation, engage citizens to create better services. Worth listening to her Ted talk. - MakeADiff : https://makeadiff.org/view/home
- Gamers for Good : http://gamingforgood.net/
- The Brilliant Bus : http://www.estellasbrilliantbus.org/
is a customized mobile learning center, designed to travel to communities and deliver services to children and families
And Lastly, why IT can not Fix the World :
- An exclusive interview with Bill Gates: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/dacd1f84-41bf-11e3-b064-00144feabdc0.html#!
Who else is using IT to change the world? Who is doing wonderful things in this area?