Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

On Being Polyglot

My new favorite joke is "I am very polyglot. I write bad code in many languages" - Pascal, PL1, D, Assembler, C, C++, Java, Smalltalk, Python, Javascript, ... maybe others.

I was recently sent an article by Richard Eng "Why Smalltalk Failed to Dominate the World". It started me thinking about languages and I've realized
  1. I did in fact program in D: I have started saying I started my career writing PL\1 on the mainframe. However, I am sure it D but an internal name and not the current D language. I will stick with calling it PL\1.
  2. I like people: When I think back on programming I've enjoyed, my memory involves nice people, with depths of patience and an odd sense of humor. 
Every time I rent a car they ask if a particular model is ok. I always want to answer "as long as it has 4 tires, I think I am set". I am starting to believe that about languages. They all have interesting trade-offs and they might optimize for certain domains. However, as long as they have good people, I think I am set.

And now for a better joke from my new favorite programmer, Emily Dunham  "What do you call a group of Geese? A Gaggle.  A group of crows? A Murder. A group of programmers? A merge conflict. "

And of course some music  (Forest Whitaker by Brother Ali)


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