Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

My Twisted Mind

TL;DR: Eat your veggies and let Ginny know how you stay focused.

I am currently over committed and under delivering in every aspect of my life: family, job, career, health, community. In every place I have grand visions and starts of projects littered around, while ignoring the important progress to completion or the even more important work of maintenance.

This morning I saw how this happens:
  1. Reading the WHHNA newsletter 
  2. Notice that my neighbor, Neil Shepard, is selling organic vegetables to raise money for the Triangle Free Press. 
  3. Wonder if I can do a small service project for the Triangle Free Press and notice they have no web presence. 
  4. Decide that I should create a triangle of giving: find a kid who wants to get tech experience, find a teacher who wants to mentor her, 'pay' the kid in organic vegetables and experience. 
Sounds simple no? Sounds lovely, no? Sounds like a win-win-win, no? It is, except now it will haunt me as unfinished business. I don't know any kids who want vegetables and I don't really know how hard this would be. Get in line great idea behind the dozen of other ghost ideas rattling my brain.


Not the best Phineas and Ferb song but ....


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