Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Django Girls!

Guess who is turning one? Django Girls! 

Who are Django Girls? They inspire women to fall in love with programming through Python and Django workshops. And as someone who completed their tutorial this year, I can say it works. Our local chapter of Pyladies sponsored an introduction to Django in May. The prep material was my gateway drug.

I start many online classes but Django Girls Tutorial was different.  I am not sure what it was: maybe the lighthearted tone ("That's it. You totally rock!"), maybe that it originated in Poland (who doesn't want to meet an Ola and Sonja!), or the encouragement to celebrate success ("Congratulations! You've just created your first website"). I especially appreciate that they lead the student into errors and then force us to fix them.This gave me courage to debug and think about what Django is doing. Lastly, the bit size chapters let me do a few a night and created a habit of coding. 

Here are some highlights :
  1. Python: The class gets you going with python, the command line, editors and some basic intro.
  2. Git and Github: The class walks you through how to use gitter, git, and github. I will admit getting my first green dot on github was a thrill! 
  3. All Things Django: The sample application was simple and with a strong focus on MTV (model, template, view). 
  4. HTML and CSS: The web portion was simple and useful. 
  5. Hosting with PythonAnywhere: Nice overview of how to deploy on www.pythonanywhere.com
But seriously, the lighthearted tone is lovely!

"I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right, 'Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright". Thanks Django Girls. I think you got it right. Oh and Happy Birthday on July 21!
Echosmith's Bright by Gardiner Sisters


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