Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Friday, June 26, 2015

In Praise of My Husband

Here is an amusing story. It is very personal but has a business lesson:
"Good communication is critical but good relationships can overcome communication mistakes"

 Story: My husband and I have started to use a Google Calendar to increase our communication and generally improve home operations. This was a compromise between my need to over plan and his need for "just in time" information. We mostly use it for events, but I will also add some "honey do" items there.

While home on Wednesday, Pink's "True Love" song came on Spotify. It filled me with love and appreciation for my darling husband. I could relate to Pink's sentiment of being madly in love and just mad at someone at the same time. I added a link to it on our calendar for my husband to notice on Sunday. It was a love note.

Monday we went to lunch together and he started the conversation with "I need to apologies for the weekend." I could see in his eyes he was genuinely interested in hearing any grievances. Luckily we quickly discovered he had seen the "love note" as the following:

When in fact the full title was:

and the description:
Apparently, I was clairvoyant on how bad I am at saying "I Love You". Luckily we have 18 years of  bad communication and have learned to assume the better.

And here is Pink's amazing anthem to True Love


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