Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Friday, March 06, 2015

Duke Hackday - 'Cool News', old news

I have been amused recently by what hidden gems are discovered when searching for something online. I recently came across this article which mentions me: http://sites.duke.edu/dukeresearch/2014/11/17/hack-this/

I like the article and have the following observations
  1. I like the word 'cool' 
  2. While I wish I was the judge at the event, my peers in BlueMix brought the cash, mentoring and good taste to select a winner. 
  3. Events like Duke Hackday bring out the best in people. Passion, mastery and purpose are a miracle to watch in action, especially when it is in the form of hundreds of college students. Nice work http://www.hackduke.org/ +HackKitty HackDuke 

And now for some music


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