Exploring the YMCA in 2017
TL; DR: I love the Durham YMCA and will use this space to shamelessly praise the various classes.
Key: (Did the time fly? Was the workout good? Did I feel comfortable?)
Interval Training 101: (5:30 Tuesday, Lakewood, Allie):
- I liked this class a lot and can see it being a regular part of my week. It is short (45 minutes) and to the point (sweat). Allie had us warm up (easy) and then explained each of the 3 exercises at 5 stations (TRX, Free Weights, Board, Jumps, Gliders). We did each exercise for 40 seconds and then rested for 20 second. Then we did them all again for 20 seconds and a 10 sec break At then end we split into 'teams' to use the large rope for three more exercises. Finished up with a few stretches! (January 3, 2017)
- This feels like a cheat because I've taken Elliot's Thursday class for a few months. This class was longer and had more regulars. She seemed a bit more on the 'hot ' side of yoga. I always like Elliot's style. She holds to the spirit of yoga and forces you to own your work out. The class was 75 minutes. I like 60 better but it was not as bad as I thought. (January 6, 2017)
- Before I went to Elliot's class, I thought Joy was the most perfectly layback instructor. She paces the class well and keeps it focused as 'morning yoga'. With some core work, it is a nice, easy introduction to yoga. Light on long flows and long on watching your breathing. At minute 30, I thought it was dragging, but the second half of the class went fast. The class was lightly attended but I expect that is snow related. Unfortunately I am dropping my son off at this time during a normal week. (January 11, 2017)
- If you read nothing more, read this: I think Shawnta is a GREAT instructor and from the attendance of this class, a lot of people really like this class. Not me. The 45 minutes (yes, I left early) hit on all of my pet peeves: No instructor there at the start, certain number of of reps, cliques, lack of personal space, more cardio then strength, ... that is probably enough. I do not know why instructors don't either do the count together (ie we are doing 10, 9, 8) or timed (1 minute of curls, etc). Lastly, never, ever ask someone to shake their bottom as part of a warm up. For the awkward this is an immediate enthusiasm & confidence killer. The good news is I already love Elliots Yoga class on Thursdays so I don't have to pick. CHEER. (January 12, 2017)
- There are a lot of good spin teachers at the YMCA. I like Howards approach as he spends the effort making sure new people have their bikes right. He also makes it clear what we are trying to accomplish and it is up to you to push hard enough to make that happen based on your fitness. Fortunately, his level fits me well. Good old music too. (January 18, 2017)
- This class might be one of these three things: 1) Training Wheels for weight lifting 2) Weight lifting to a beat or 3) A class for those who can only do something for one song. I fall into group #3. Strength Training Together picks a body part (legs, chest, arms, abs, etc) and focuses there for 1 pop song (3 to 4 minutes?) using a bar with weights and a step bench. You lift to a beat, get it done and move on. It moved quick enough but not too fast. Joy was very professional: started on time, explained things well and kept to the plan. Loved it.
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