Push Play - Ginny Ghezzo

Ginny Ghezzo's Personal Blog ... testing 1, 2, 3

Thursday, June 02, 2011

The Poser Within

My darling sisters are inspiring me to post something. Both Laura, because I enjoy her blog so much and Deb because she is reminding me of where I've come from in the last year.

Mocha Moms Book Club selection this month is "Poser: My life in 23 Yoga Poses". I look forward to it but can relate to the "Poser" label. Every aspect of my life I feel like I'm just trying to keep up with what the role is suppose to be. I am very capable, but never fill anything I do. In a more loving mood, I would say I'm well balanced and diversify. But today I'm a poser.

When asked how I lost 25 pounds, I have answers, but think the real question is how will I keep it off for life? I can hope that I've learned things about myself and picked up habit I can keep, but it is only time that will confirm this.

A big thank you to the YMCA of Durham, especially Angela and Chan for running the myLife program. Thanks to Integrated Health at Duke for their fitness (be sure to sweat), nutritionist (eat often) and the shrink (be aware of your emotions). My super friends from RunBuds for making every run, even in 95 degree weather, fun. Lastly my beautiful sisters. You are each so genuine! I marvel at your lives and hope to grow up to be just like each of you some day!



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